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Prevent Low Back Pain - A Better Way to Shovel Snow

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Ian Anderson DPT, SCS, CSCS

Board-Certified Sports Physical Therapist & Snow-Shoveling Extraordinaire

With the only a little snow so far but hopefully much more to come, it's important to prevent low back pain and keep your back healthy and spend the winter out on the mountain (and not in physical therapy).

Inevitably, back injuries as a result of snow shoveling are one of the most common injuries we see each winter. Don’t let this happen to you!! While the PT Revolution team is here if you need us, we’d rather be out skiing, boarding, snowshoeing, etc. alongside you than treating you for back pain which may have been prevented with some simple strategies. We have some key reminders for you to keep in mind while shoveling the epic amounts of snow we’re going to get this season.

5 Keys to Shovel Snow

Great knee bend and flat back.
Great knee bend and flat back.
  1. Bend your knees and lift with your legs, NOT your back!

  2. Lift small amounts of snow, not big heavy piles. *Important when dealing with the Sierra Cement!

  3. Use a shovel with a handle that allows you to keep your back straight while shoveling and is neither too long nor too short.

  4. Step in the direction you dump the snow. This will prevent excessive twisting and rotation in the low back.

  5. Take breaks! Resting and standing up to walk around will help prevent excess fatigue.

Notice the hand placement on the shovel to improve leverage.  Also note how he steps in the direction where he is throwing the snow.
Notice the hand placement on the shovel to improve leverage. Also note how he steps in the direction where he is throwing the snow.

If you or someone you know has back pain, gets injured shoveling, or gets hurt shredding the gnar, make sure you give the PT Revolution team a call. With our rapid access guarantee, we’ll get you in and back on the slopes before you can say La Niña!!

Follow us on Instagram @ptrevolution_tahoe for more videos, tips and other info to help keep you moving!

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